Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our June Blocks

Better Late Than Never!! We finished our block a couple of weeks ago, but I hadn't posted them yet. Here they are! I'm like Tab, it took us a little longer than we thought. After several tearing out stitches (and a few tears) we finished and think they look beautiful. The girls decided they are just going to do one block a month and make either a wall hanging or "foot" quilt for their bed.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Our First Blocks

We finished our first blocks tonight. It took a little longer than I thought it would. The girls are doing a great job learning how to use the rotary cutter and both are becoming more proficient at using the machine. I think the next one will go much faster. We plan to start on 2nd block next week. We need to finish it before Emily leaves for camp on the 22nd.

My First Block - MOM

I finished my first block. It doesn't look like the colors go together but I know when it's finished and the forth color is added it will all go together making my block quilt. Now, I have to start thinking of what I want to name it. With 4 different colors....maybe I'll call it.....KTKT. :-)

Cutting our Fabric

Wednesday night Keela Taylin and I got together to cut out our fabric. Tabitha had to work and Mark was out of town so she couldn't make
it. :-( We had so much fun. We were laughing so hard just trying to read the pattern. When Kami posted the first pattern, Keela went on line and saw the first one then at the last minute Kami decided to start on a different one. So, Keela had a different pattern than Taylin and I. We called Kami and went with the one Taylin and I had which is what Kami, Tabitha and Mother are all doing. It's exciting and I can't wait to see the results.


Me, getting started. You know how I have to have everything lined up.