Monday, August 31, 2009

Kami's Points For September

Here's where I'm going to post my totals everyday. I might just put the date and the total number to make it easy. When I post my totals, I won't do a new post, I'll just edit my old one so I'll only have one post for the month.
I'm so excited! Love you guys!
9/1 = 7 pts! :o) I actually doubled up on the workout (walking) and had a dessert, so it evened out. How did you all do?
9/2=6 pts. No walking for me today...wish I would have. Almost gave in tonight and made some cookies at 10 pm. But, then I'd lose two points if I did. I had Chamomile Tea instead. Maybe I'll make the cookies tomorrow :)
9/3= 4 pts. Oh dear. I was doing so good, I did have a coke, but I enjoyed it SO MUCH, that I was okay losing the point. Then, after we put the kids to bed Patrick made me a shake. There went 2 points!
9/4= 4 pts. again. I WILL do better tomorrow!
9/5=4 pts.
9/7= 6pts. Yay!
9/8= 5 pts. My definite downfall is sugar
9/9= 4 pts. Ate too late, forgot my vitamin and didn't walk :o( Tomorrow is a new day! :o)
9/10=5 pts
9/11=3 pts
9/11=2 pts
9/12=4 pts
9/13 1 point...that's horrible! PTL for multi-vitamins!
9/16=2pts....I hated to even post it!
9/17=4 pts.
9/18=4 pts.
9/19=3 pts.
9/20=2 pts
9/21 2 pts.
9/22 1 pt
9/23 3 pts.
9/24 =5 pts.
9/29= 4 points
9/30=4 points

1 comment:

  1. Good job Kami!! Can I count 5 points for walking yesterday??
