Sunday, May 31, 2009

Are you ready??

First of all...I love ALL the fabrics everyone picked! Each set seems to match each person's personality!
Tabitha and I were talking, and to make a twin size quilt (or a couch size quilt) you will need about 20 blocks. (We'll talk about backing and border material in a few months.) So, each month a pattern will be posted. You need to make 2 of these blocks. So, only cut enough for 2 blocks. If you're wanting a bigger quilt, you would need to make more. The first pattern is super easy. It's just two different sizes of squares, but it's so neat looking. I love it! It only has 3 colors, so it's up to you which colors you use. The two blocks can be completely different looking by using different colors. You can make both the same or 2 different blocks. It's up to you. Also, these are easy that you could easily make the block in one day. Or you could do a little through out the month....cut one day, sew some another have all month, so no pressure!
As we move on, I'd like to try a little bit more challenging blocks. Hope you have a fun time making our first block. Remember to post pictures as you go!
Love you all,
Oh yeah...the link :)
Carrie Nation

1 comment:

  1. I Love It!!!! Now I have to choose which three I want. Just make it difficult in choosing again. :-) I'll have to make more than one so I can use all four fabrics....don't want any of them to be left out. :-) Just kidding, I'll do what the pattern calls for. Can't wait to get started. Have fun Girls and Granddaughters and Mother and Robin. I love you all so much.
