Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One more week

Okay everyone! You have about a week left to buy fabric, then post it on the blog! I'm ready to see everyone's colors!
Also, it has been mentioned that it would be better to have a little bit bigger of a we need to decide what to do.
We could
#1 Make the same block 2 times each month, so we would finish with 18 blocks
#2 Do this for 12 months and then we would make a larger border so it would fit a twin
#3 Make a new block every 2 weeks and be done in 9 months with 18 blocks.

I need everyones "vote" in as soon as possible and we'll decide this by Friday!
Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. #1 or #3 are the ones that I choose. I can't wait to get started. I'm going shopping this weekend and to the quilting shop on Tuesday.
    YEAH!!! Love you all, Love, MOM :-)
